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How much security is in long-term support?
Recursion kills: The story behind CVE-2024-8176 / Expat 2.7.0 released, includes security fixes
Most IT companies fail to serve security.txt for RFC 9116 in 2025
How to help an Open Source project that your company depends on
(German) Heiße Haferflocken mit Apfel und Zimt
Happy new year! / Fwd: Robyn 'Get Myself Together'
Django security hardenings that are not happening
Fwd: Seth Godin: Stop Waiting for Permission!
Fwd: Simon Sinek & Trevor Noah on Friendship
Expat 2.6.3 released, includes security fixes
Fwd: Anna Rudolf Lie Detector Chess Interview
Clone arbitrary single Git commit
The Greatest People Are Self-Managing.
Interesting! / Fwd: Selling Without Being Salesy: The Kind Way to Sell.
Expat 2.6.2 released, includes security fixes
(German) Fwd: Markus Lanz
Fwd: Yulia Navalnaya addresses European Parliament after Alexei Navalny's death
Expat 2.6.0 released, includes security fixes
(German) Fwd: BYE, BYE KUMMER - Das letzte Konzert (Live aus der Wuhlheide)
What I Learned from Migrating to a Phone with Android 13
(German) Mamas Weihnachtsstolle
Expat 2.5.0 released, includes security fixes
uriparser 0.9.7 released
Expat 2.4.9 released, includes security fixes
Fwd: "I spread Kremlin propaganda": Russian TV news protester's pre-recorded statement
Expat 2.4.7 released
Expat 2.4.6 released
Expat 2.4.5 released, includes security fixes
Expat 2.4.4 released, includes security fixes
Expat 2.4.3 released, includes security fixes
uriparser 0.9.6 with security fixes released
CVE-2013-0340 "Billion Laughs" fixed in Expat 2.4.0
CVE-2021-3541 "Parameter Laughs" fixed in libxml2 2.9.11
(German) Fwd: Frag einen Obdachlosen: Dominik über kalte Nächte, Rastlosigkeit und Gewalt auf der Straße
Expat 2.3.0 has been released
uriparser 0.9.5 released
Never Mis-Bump a .so Version Again
Dan North is Wrong About the Purpose of Testing / The Actual Purpose of Software Testing
Replacing Ansible with salt-ssh
Expat 2.2.10 has been released
uriparser 0.9.4 released
My Approach to Code Review
What is wrong with Monotype's font licensing?
How to get Debian, WiFi/WLAN and AMD graphics running on Lenovo ThinkPad E495
How to get Debian and WiFi/WLAN running on Lenovo ThinkPad L13 without an RJ45 port
Get QEMU to boot EFI
Fwd: AlphaGo - The Movie | Full Documentary
Helvetica Neue: Integrating with Linux
Helvetica. Which one?
Why I recommend Debian over Ubuntu by now
Valentine's Day 2020: I love Free Software! #ilovefs
Expat 2.2.8 with security fixes has been released
Fwd: Randy Shoup: Managing Data in Microservices
Fwd: Get your work recognized: write a brag document
Fwd: Einar Høst — Technical debt isn't technical
Expat 2.2.7 with security fixes has been released
Fwd: City 17 — Wage War / Makin' Good Time
Fwd: Eric Brechner — Agile Project Management with Kanban
uriparser 0.9.3 released
(German) Sebastians Müsli-Schokokuchen 1.0
80% time at 80% money — what's in for employers?
Valentine's Day: I love Free Software! #ilovefs
uriparser 0.9.1 released, includes security fixes
Interesting! / Fwd: How To Charge More For A Logo— Deep Dive ep. 4
Getting to Know an Employer as a Developer
Struggling Scrum: A Few Observations
A look at Python Static Site Generators
uriparser 0.9.0 released, includes security fixes
uriparser 0.8.6 released
Expat 2.2.6 released
Upstream release notification for package maintainers
Good bye, Wordpress
Bash: Command output to array of lines
Ways in which Berlin IT companies differ
Dockerizing a Django app with scripted super user creation
Serving /favicon.ico with Django without HTTP redirection
Holy cow! Larry the cow Gentoo tattoo
How to deal with "Not uninstalling pip at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, owned by OS"
Fwd: LibreOffice < 6.0.1 '=WEBSERVICE' Remote Arbitrary File Disclosure
I love free software... and Gentoo does! #ilovefs
uriparser 0.8.5 released + moved to GitHub
How to disable MySQL binary logging
Fwd: Story Of My Life - Gavin Mikhail
Fwd: Escaping Docker container using waitid() – CVE-2017-5123
Fwd: xxxx-11-25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Fwd: Bit-squatting: DNS Hijacking Without Exploitation
Expat 2.2.5 released
GIMP 2.9.6 now in Gentoo
Expat 2.2.4 released
- turns against existing users, drops IMAP support without prior notice
Expat 2.2.3 released, includes security fixes for Windows
Expat 2.2.2 released
Expat 2.2.1 with security fixes has been released
Fwd: Issues with window.opener (HTML, not just JavaScript)
Fwd: Facebook's manual on credible threats of violence (
Re-introducing app-portage/fetchcommandwrapper
Disqus(ting) / Fwd: What’s Wrong with Disqus?
Fwd: x11-misc/safeeyes: Protect your eyes from eye strain / asthenopia
Fwd: An der Basis gegen Amazon
Fwd: Wer ist eigentlich meine verrückte Nachbarin
Creating Fedora chroots on Debian, Gentoo, ... easily
Fwd: Security (or lack of) at Number26
Fwd: (German) Telefónica verkauft Bewegungsdaten seiner O2/E-Plus-Kunden (auch
arc4random_uniform and avoiding modulo bias when using a random number generator
Gimp 2.9.4 now in Gentoo
Fwd: The Glitch Mob - Love Death Immortality
Loop variable collisions in Bash
Disable Komodo IDE debugger (bound to, run by default)
Fwd: Amazon’s customer service backdoor
Uses Gentoo: PS4 Linux demo by fail0verflow at 32c3
XScreenSaver unlock dialog tuning
Fwd: The Butterfly Effect (band)
Keeping Gentoo systems up-to-date / update notification
Fwd: Adelle Waldman — The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P
Fwd: Amy Cuddy: Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges
Fwd: Poet Ali: The most important language you will EVER learn
Critical Mass Berlin: Closing the gaps
Fwd: The Case of the Modified Binaries / Downloading binaries through plain http://
Fwd: One in every 600 websites has .git exposed
Fwd: Hacking Team: a zero-day market case study / Adobe Flash
Fwd: Alison Ledgerwood -- Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck)
(German) Krautreporter bleiben (oder werden)
European Xiangqi stickers (Chinese chess)
- relaunched
(German) Fwd: Gentoo-Workshop Samstag 01.08.2015 Troisdorf (nahe Köln/Bonn)
uriparser 0.8.2 released
Comment vulnerability in Wordpress 4.2
Apache AddHandler/AddType vulnerability: Magento
(German) Fwd: Petition gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung
Firefox: You may want to update to 37.0.1
Fwd: "Introduction to Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) for International Chess Players" published, recommended
"Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 5,198,585 tested so far". What?!
(German) Fwd: Petition "Fracking gesetzlich verbieten" (Gasgewinnung, Grundwasser)
(German) Fwd: Wie Konzerne Staaten vor sich hertreiben
Fwd: Grand Slam Poetry Champion | Harry Baker | TEDxExeter
Sending e-mail on successful SSH login / detecting SSH log-ins
Fwd: Robyn 'Call Your Girlfriend' Official Video
(German) Gentoo auf den Chemnitzer Linux-Tagen 2015
SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE from dev-libs/openssl[bindist]
Apache AddHandler madness all over the place
I ❤ Free Software 2015-02-14
Flask behind a reverse proxy: actual client IPs
Back on-line, finally
Fwd: Why I stopped watching porn | Ran Gavrieli | TEDxJaffa
Gegen CETA: Mitklagen, Vollmacht unterschreiben
Switching to Grub2 on Gentoo
(German) Mieterunfreundlich: Ablesedienst Ista Deutschland GmbH
Tool to preview Grub2 themes easily (using KVM)
New Gentoo overlay: grub2-themes
Fwd: The Perl Jam: Exploiting a 20 Year-old Vulnerability [31c3]
Gentoo Grub 2.x theme?
CoreOS is based on... Gentoo!
Fwd: Chrome Plans to Mark All 'HTTP' Traffic as Insecure from 2015
(German) Wir brauchen Hilfe! Stand Gentoo e.V. Dezember 2014
Fwd: Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
Playing Xiangqi with xboard
Russia blocks access to GitHub
(German) rsync mirror wieder online
Introducing Gambit to Gentoo
(German) Fwd: CETA und TTIP stoppen!
Fwd: Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe
Fwd: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
-'s Minicrawler using uriparser
Two types of respect mixed up by Linus Torvalds
Unblocking F-keys (e.g. F9 for htop) in Guake 0.5.0
Fwd: Wilkinson covers OneRepublic's Counting Stars in the BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge
Designer wanted: Western pieces for Chinese chess
LaTeX xq: Bugs in 0.3 fixed with 0.4 / My first contribution to CTAN
My first cover on a printed book
Fwd: Rudimental & Ella Eyre - Right Here (Capital FM Session)
Generating Xiangqi setup images, publishing/print level quality
Things not to do when publishing a book on Xiangqi (or any other topic)
(German) Zu "Ran an die Buletten" von Elisabeth Raether, ZEITmagazin #33, 17. Juli 2014
Fwd: Dan Jaspersen: Blur[ring] the line [of human potential]
Audible "Command done" notifiction on the shell
EGF Xiangqi file format tool and documentation
freshplayerplugin (Chrome Flash for Firefox) in Gentoo betagarden, uses uriparser
Paris, France: Exhibition "Bill Viola"
(German) Rückblick: Chinesisches Schach mit der Sprach- und Kulturbörse bei der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2014
(German) Termin eines Dauerauftrages verändern (Girokonto ING-DiBa)
(German) Tipp des Tages: Postbank Sparbuch auflösen
PayPal transaction without logging in -- WTF?
(German) Zollamt oder warum ich da nicht wieder hin will
(German) Berliner Sparkasse zieht unaufgefordert fremde VISA-Karte ein
Differences of Janggi (Korean chess) to Xiangqi (Chinese chess) in game play
Recording: Stephen Paul Taylor (SPT) live at WABE Berlin 2013-11-14
Foo Fighters live in studio
Partial word matches in Confluence/JIRA (or lack thereof)
(German) Wechsel von Postbank zu ING-DiBa
Fwd: Foreigner: 4 (Night Life, Juke Box Hero)
Fwd: Jay Z unplugged
Fwd: Chris Lonsdale — How to learn any language in six months
Sharp RX-V200-N cleaning robot running uriparser
(German) Fwd: Helmut Schmidt: "Menschenrechte sind nicht universell"
(German) Fwd: "Als das Leben sich drehte" -- Leserberichte von "Anfängen" in der ZEIT
(German) Cash Group-Geldautomaten finden mit Android
Set list: Traded Pilots live at WABE Berlin 2013-11-14
Recording: Teresa Bergman live at WABE Berlin 2013-11-14
Fwd: 2013 album "Head Up High" by Morcheeba
uriparser 0.8.0 released
Companies I try to boycott (and what for)
Fwd: Covers by Boyce Avenue and Kina Grannis
Fwd: Petition to make Winamp go open source (on near end of life)
GNU Chess 6.1.0 introducing graphic (terminal) mode
Fwd: CHVRCHES — The Bones of What You Believe
Teresa Bergman at a glance
On free, anonymous e-mail
Compiling Gimp from Git master on Debian
ansi2html now supporting eix output
(German) Fwd: Christoph Schlingensief (†49) & Katrin Bauerfeind
Anonymous e-mail/jabber provider down and gone?
MediterraneanNight GTK+ theme quick-hack Debian package
Running Hotline Miami on 64-bit Linux ("amd64")
(German) Fwd: Sascha Lobo: Marusha, Merkel und das deutsche Problem
Fwd: How Can Any Company Ever Trust Microsoft Again?
Freeverb3 3.0.0 now working with latest Audacious (3.3.4) in Gentoo
(German) Logische Fehler in Artikel "Schlecht, schlechter, Geschlecht" von Harald Martenstein im ZEITmagazin vom 6. Juni 2013
Fwd: Four more games added to Humble Indie Bundle #8
Hotline Miami PC game: Extract OGG Vorbis OST/soundtrack from .wad file
Fwd: Humble Indie Bundle 8, only for a few more days!
Fwd: Video of interview with Gentoo developer Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn at LinuxTag Berlin 2013
(German) Egon Bahrs "Rat an jeden Einzelnen"
Fixing invisible bloat from comments in a Wordpress database
svneverever 1.2.2 released + UTF-8 bug in svn2git 1.0.8
May 3rd = Day Against DRM
Howto import contacts from a Wammu backup file into Android 4.0.x
LightZone in Gentoo betagarden
Fwd: Python trademark at risk in Europe: We need your help!
Building LightZone from Git for Linux
Fwd: iO Tillett Wright: Fifty shades of gay
Fwd: Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why domestic violence victims don't leave
Fwd: Jacob Appelbaum 29C3 Keynote: Not My Department
On Aaron Swartz
Fwd: Why privacy matters
Fwd: "Apple Now Owns the Page Turn"
Detecting when your blog posts get censored by Google (or any search engine)
Fwd: Jon Ronson: Strange answers to the psychopath test
(German) Rundfunkgebühr steigt auf 312% ab 01.01.2013
Making Audex use MusicBrainz (rather than FreeDB)
How to set up a GRUB 2 theming playground (on Gentoo)
Vector remake of GDM 2.x background "gentoo-cow"
Work around overheating with cpufreq-set
Fwd: Sebastian Deterding: What your designs say about you
German keyboard layout at disk unlocking time (i.e. in the initramfs boot process) with Debian
Installing Debian to an existing dm-crypt container
blkid(8): Superficial comparision of versions from e2fsprogs and util-linux
Setting user name and email in Mercurial
Fwd: Frans de Waal: Moral behavior in animals
Masking bad RAM with Grub2
New shoes? New shoes!
My best tool with package bumps: Meld
overlint: Static analysis for your Gentoo overlay
Fwd: More tricks for defeating SSL in practice
Fwd: SSL And The Future Of Authenticity
My virtual journey of today
Fwd: Sarah Kay: If I should have a daughter ...
Fwd: Brené Brown: Listening to shame
Fwd: Restless
Fwd: Beginners
Fwd: Drive
(German) Leitfaden für Abschlussarbeiten an der TU Berlin
(German) Fwd: Brownian Movement
I ♥ Free Software
Fwd: Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
Control over LaTeX page margins (or borders)
uriparser 0.7.6 released
Fwd: Microsoft confirms UEFI fears, locks down ARM devices
(German) Fwd: FoeBuD enttarnt RFID-Chips in Kleidung
Fwd: [28c3] Effective Denial of Service attacks against web application platforms
Hypthenation in LaTeX: why it kills + how to survive
Raining inside: rain as an ambient sound
On waste from /usr/share/locale
Sticking with GDM 2.x (downgrade from GDM 3.2.x)
Too many open files? Increasing the limit in C.
Disabling terminal echo in Python
Boy, good stuff!
A replacement for atoi (or atol)
Customizing LaTeX beamer note pages
(German) Fwd: Razzia bei Pfarrer Lothar König
Got broken SVG icons/wallpapers in XFCE?
Fwd: The Male Privilege Checklist
Fwd: Sarah Kaminsky: My father the forger
Fwd: Git User's Survey 2011
(German) Fwd: Wie unsicher sind deutsche Mobilfunknetze?
Fwd: Dyan deNapoli: The great penguin rescue
Fwd: Dan Ariely: Are we in control of our own decisions?
GIMP 2.7.3 in Gentoo?
(German) SSL Zertifikat "DigiNotar" löschen?
Generating a random MAC address
Larry the cow wallpaper
Bugs in "real life"
Printing a backtrace from inside a C program
A logo for Backup Awareness Day? (24th each month)
Fwd: The Wackness (2008)
Fwd: Rebecca MacKinnon: Let's take back the Internet!
Fwd: Chris Abani muses on humanity
svneverever 1.2.0 released
Fresh: Freeverb3 2.5.16
Lossless JPEG rotation preserving EXIF data
Howto late-join a mail thread seamlessly technically
Fwd: Sam Richards: A radical experiment in empathy
Fwd: John Hunter on the World Peace Game
Poster "Gentoo Abducted"
Gamma-correct image scaling
New old artwork: Gentoo/FreeBSD
On saving gamma
Fwd: Directing sound
Linking to
(German) Samstag 26.03.2011 Anti-Atom-Demo!
(German) Video-Reportage "Geheimer Prüfkatalog - Alle AKW vor dem Aus?"
(German) Video-Reportage "Risiko Atomkraft"
(German) Video-Reportage "GAU in Japan"
.fuse_hidden files
Fwd: Noreena Hertz: How to use experts -- and when not to
Firefox plug-in "HTTPS Everywhere"
genkernel 3.4.13 released
GNU Chess 6.x alpha on Gentoo (betagarden overlay)
genkernel 3.4.12 released
genkernel released
Based on Gentoo: Calculate Linux
genkernel 3.4.11 released
Fwd: The power of vulnerability
genkernel released
Fwd: Let's talk parenting taboos
Introducing klogripper, a union of dmesg and tail -f
Based on Gentoo: Liberté Linux 2010.1
net-mail/rss2email-2.69 now in Gentoo, testers wanted
Gentoo Linux on Lenovo T400: My journey
USE_PYTHON in /etc/make.conf
Inserting SVG into an OpenOffice document
Fwd: Git User Survey 2010
(German) Re: Bye, bye, Sylvester!
(German) Video: Giant interviewing Gentoo developer amne (LinuxTag 2010 Berlin)
(German) Video: Gentoo @ Projects fast forward (LinuxTag 2010 Berlin)
Layman 1.4.1 released
Layman 1.4.0 released
Gentoo at LinuxTag 2010: A look back
Fwd: Thanks from a Gentoo user
Looking back at bumpday #2: winners and packages
Fwd: Patent Absurdity — How Software Patents Broke the System
Did you know: We Git-host Gentoo user overlays!
What being a Gentoo developer is about
Bug fixing in Gentoo: How we are performing #2
Pioneers of the Evitable? Fwd: Songbird dropping support for GNU/Linux
Passing arguments to the end part of \newenvironment
Gentoo Bugday April 3rd: Bugs to start with
New flag "bugday" on Please check your bugs for suitability
Before svn2git you want to run: svneverever
One site to search all ebuilds:
Looking back at bumpday #1: winners and packages
This Saturday: Bumpday - fix your bump requests
Gentoo accepted for Summer of Code 2010
Created with Free Software! A button to spread the word
Bug fixing in Gentoo: How we are performing
Join us with Gentoo bugday today (Saturday)
New category "dev-vcs": Version control systems (or software)
Gentoo at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2010-03-{13,14}
Fwd: How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters
Converting PDF to PNG with PyPoppler
Layman 1.3.1 released
Layman 1.3.0 released
Layman 1.3.0_rc1 released
Layman 1.2.6 released
4 more days of Gentoo Council voting: Why and how in 3 seconds
Layman 1.2.5 released
26C3 through Gentoo glasses
Förderverein Gentoo e.V. bleibt bestehen
Layman 1.2.4 released
Year in filename patterns ("%Y") for Asunder 1.9
My album of the year 2009
Show desktop (or minimize all) in KDE 4
Last-minute reminder: Today is Gentoo bugday**!
Fwd: PR-Offensive für Atomkraft
Repeated "No space left on device" from Portage or inodes need space, too
Freiheit statt Angst Groß-Demo Samstag 12.09.2009
gentoo-dev for Gentoo users
Linux Mint, logos and wallpapers
Python, Git and a post-checkout hook
Looking at Smolt
GNU IceCat 3.5.1 and the "njw" overlay
Git User Survey 2009
Manhattan: a Keynote look-alike LaTeX Beamer theme
"Privacy on the Web" survey
A friend of yours is still using Internet Explorer?
Gentoo t-shirts: the black one
Gentoo word cloud poster
- One more case for PackageMap
1000+ Gentoo packages in PackageMap
Inviting you to project "PackageMap"
Gentoo, GSoC, Smolt, PackageMap
TurboGears 2 and Gentoo
LADSPA bs2b plugin 0.9.1 released
libbs2b 3.1.0 released
My experiences with VistaPrint business cards / The value of screenshots
Using pcmanfm 0.5? Why to upgrade to pcmanfm 0.5.1
LADSPA bs2b plugin 0.9.0 released
Rant about LADSPA
bs2b plugins for Audacious and XMMS updated
Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) for "western" people
Gentoo Summer of Code, fork yeah :-)
Gentoo at LinuxTag 2009 Berlin
Mahnwache am Freitag: Keine Scheuklappen fürs Netz!
findpat: Easing up find through brace expansion
New Audacious headphone plugin
Google Tech Talks feed clone without duplicates
LaTeX Beamer Theme Matrix
Forced push on libxspf Git repository
XSPF at Google Summer of Code 2009
TED 2009: Two talks I'd like to recommend
uriparser moved to Git
Git, Mercurial and Bazaar at SourceForge
libxspf 1.2.0 released
uriparser 0.7.5 released
libbs2b 2.2.1 released
libxspf 1.1.0 released (successor of libSpiff)
- Subversion to Git migration
Git aliases
Hire me, I do Free Software
Things I didn't know about North Korea
I know you know Techtalks
Good bye, good bye Audioscrobbler
Playing around with awk
Creative Commons'ing my blog
Why am I moving to Gentoo?
Speaker-wise slow podcasts
Quoting in ebuilds
uriparser 0.7.4 released
Colormake 0.2 ebuild
Free Software Foundation Fundraising
Firefox on Win+B with AutoHotkey
Stripping down Songbird
Songbird 1.0.0
Code review
Eqnarray or not
Wanted: Free Software backup solution with ...
New trend on CD prices at
Bye Akismet, hello Defensio!
Single landscape pages in LaTeX
uriparser 0.7.3 released
Commit log IRC bot... for a KDE project
Does better hardware speed up compilation?
Migrating a mobile phone number
Kate searching: New bar just arrived
Free book download: "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4" (first edition)
Kate searching: on to better usability 2
Kate searching: on to better usability
libSpiff 1.0.0 released
libSpiff 1.0.0rc3 released
XSPF in the wild and how to produce valid XSPF
libSpiff 1.0.0rc2 released
uriparser 0.7.2 released
Faster HTTP downloads with aria2
Microsoft paying poor actors to fake liking Vista?
"Sex with animals" not considered Spam by Akismet?
doxygen2qthelp 1.1.0 Windows binaries
libSpiff 0.8.4 released
doxygen2qthelp 1.0 Windows binaries
CppTest 1.1.0 released
Well worth a few bucks: Johnny Bunko.
Introducing doxygen2qthelp
Infinity Bread
uriparser 0.7.1 released
Ogg DirectShow filters need new maintainer
2 minute summary on "Unicode explained"
uriparser 0.7.0 released
Integrating Qt's Meta object compiler (moc) with GNU Automake
Debian Packages that Need Lovin'
The Autotools file jungle
Thunderbird and Spam with no body
Saying goodbye to a medium...
Alice DSL sucks
uriparser 0.6.4 released
FAPG 0.39 released, introducing XSPF support
XSPF patch for FAPG 0.38
uriparser 0.6.3 released
My third Debian package: UniversalIndentGUI goes Debian
uriparser 0.6.2 released
"New Debian Packages" RSS feed
My second Debian package: RNV goes Debian
Irssi Windows Installer and USB archive released
GNU Automake 1.10.1: Now with LZMA support
Debian needs your help (with packaging)
"I Am Legend" redefines the term "crap movie"
Herrie goes testing
Splitting Apache access logs and feeding the result to Geolizer
New mug
Open Source IRC on Windows
New XMMS headphone plugin
Seeing through the make jungle
Reverse package dependency lookup in Debian/Ubuntu
uriparser 0.6.1 released
My first Debian package: Herrie goes Debian
Merging folders with unionfs
Firefox Qt search engine fix
Convincing a fresh Debian Etch with LVM over dm_crypt over RAID 1 to boot
libSpiff and uriparser in Ubuntu Hardy
Exaile on Themestreet
Cygwin from here
GLMatrix screensaver configuration in Ubuntu Gutsy
I hate harddiscs
The Crash Motive
Are you writing code that kills people?
APG parser generator now licensed under GPL
libSpiff 0.8.2 released
JSON Highlighter for Kate
libSpiff 0.8.1 released
Xiph needs someone to help with assembly for MSVC!
libSpiff and uriparser now for Debian
Kate searching: Highlight All just arrived
uriparser 0.6.0 released
libSpiff 0.8.0 released
libSpiff 0.7.3 released
uriparser 0.5.2 released
Kate searching: On-the-fly case conversion
Kate searching: Please help with beta testing!
Kate can do Searching!
uriparser 0.5.1 released
libSpiff 0.7.2 released
Kate searching preview 2
Kate searching a la Firefox (preview)
The future of search and replace in Kate
I'm shocked.
uriparser 0.5.0 released
One week of Missy Higgins
uriparser 0.4.1 released
Never comment out testcases...
uriparser 0.4.0 released
ccBeamer: Creative Commons logos for your LaTeX Beamer presentations
6:3 for LaTeX Beamer
"Valid XSPF" button
What a tool: Wiki2Beamer
libSpiff at
Expat 2.0.1 released
libSpiff 0.7.1 released
libSpiff 0.7.0 released
Subsonic rocks my socks off
Big up for EmEditor!
Forty Foot Echo
Mozilla Sunbird 0.6a1?
Kids in the Way
Super Mario War 1.7 RC2 has been released
Online XSPF Validator
Super Mario War 1.7 RC1 has been released
libSpiff is ready for public eyes
There is music in here
Do NOT upgrade to Visual Studio 2003 SP1
Emacs Breaks Hard Links
SourceForge Commit Trouble + Solution
msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll
Future of Plainamp
Extended NxS BigClock Plugin
Dialog Fix for Shibatch's Super Equalizer
Freeze Plugin updated
GPL Freeverb Winamp Plugin
Plainamp 0.2.3
More PN2 Schemes
CD-ROM Door Locking in Winamp
ZeroMasterGroup PmWiki Recipe
Plainamp 0.2.2
Fun with PmWiki
Opal scheme for Programmer's Notepad 2
Scintilla/SciTE 1.68 released
Introducing ExtraMessageBox
Major Plainamp Update
SourceForge and Subversion
Patch for "props" lexer
Trouble with Patch 2.5.8-8 on Cygwin
Opal lexer for Scintilla