My best tool with package bumps: Meld
For quite some time I have been using Meld to detect relevant changes between two releases when I update a package in Gentoo. I run
# ebuild foobar-1.2.ebuild manifest prepare # ebuild foobar-1.3.ebuild manifest prepare
and throw Meld at both outputs
# meld /var/tmp/portage/[..]/foobar-1.2/work/foobar-1.2/ \ /var/tmp/portage/[..]/foobar-1.3/work/foobar-1.3/ &

Meld makes it easy to see what has changed and (especially) what has not
changed. With sole diff -r
that would be difficult. I usually start by
inspecting changes to
. If upstream did a good job that diff
tells what dependencies to touch, already. Near the left and right margin you
can see where else the file has been modified. No need to scroll-search down
for more: you already know what you get.

files usually offer pointers of interest, too.

If my hint on Meld made a single Gentoo packager juggler's life easier or more efficient, I have achieved what I was aiming for. Sorry for the noise to everyone else.
PS: The
second preview image up there has been losslessly reduced by 40% in size just
by running it through optipng -o7