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Fun with PmWiki

I'm deeply in love with PmWiki now and already published my first recipe called "Dynamic PageActions". PmWiki is really fun. Its own webpage is 99% editable so every PmWiki user can extend the current documentation himself. PmWiki 2.1 stable was released yesterday. Check it out!

Scintilla/SciTE 1.68 released

Scintilla 1.68 has just been released. It is the first official release also including my Opal lexer besides other good things listed on the history page. You can download it from here.

Introducing ExtraMessageBox

Probably one of the smallest projects on SourceForge but quite useful nevertheless: ExtraMessageBox or Emabox in short. I have just released version 0.8 and the mini website with more info is also hungry for visitors:

Major Plainamp Update

Plainamp 0.2.1 has just been released. This is a major update. Among the new features:

  • Playlist entry numbers
  • Visualization toolbar
  • Playback control toolbar

For further details please see the changelog. Also Plainamp is now bundled with in_mad and out_wave_gpl so it can play MP3 out of the box. The source code used to build these plugins can also be found at the files section.

Patch for "props" lexer

I wrote a patch for the "props" lexer which makes it possible to highlight the left and the right side of an assignment in two different colours. The patch requires Scintilla/SciTE 1.67. First download the patch from HERE and then apply it by running patch -p0 < scite167_props_patch.diff.

Update: This patch will be included in the next official Scintilla release. The latest source at the Scintilla CVS already includes this feature.

Trouble with Patch 2.5.8-8 on Cygwin

I am not fully sure yet but it seems like Patch 2.5.8-8 does not work properly with text files when choosing "Unix/binary" as default text file type in the Cygwin installer. So if you have trouble with Patch too maybe a clean re- installation with "DOS/text" mode can help.

Opal lexer for Scintilla

My Opal lexer can now be found at the Scintilla CVS and will be included in the next official Scintilla release. The Inno Setup lexer by Friedrich Vedder will also be included.