Posts for year 2006
- Super Mario War 1.7 RC2 has been released -
- Online XSPF Validator -
- Super Mario War 1.7 RC1 has been released -
- libSpiff is ready for public eyes -
- There is music in here -
- Do NOT upgrade to Visual Studio 2003 SP1 -
- Emacs Breaks Hard Links -
- SourceForge Commit Trouble + Solution -
- msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll -
- Future of Plainamp -
- Extended NxS BigClock Plugin -
- Dialog Fix for Shibatch's Super Equalizer -
- Freeze Plugin updated -
- GPL Freeverb Winamp Plugin -
- Plainamp 0.2.3 -
- More PN2 Schemes -
- CD-ROM Door Locking in Winamp -
- ZeroMasterGroup PmWiki Recipe -
- Plainamp 0.2.2 -
- Fun with PmWiki -
- Opal scheme for Programmer's Notepad 2 -
- Scintilla/SciTE 1.68 released -
- Introducing ExtraMessageBox -
- Major Plainamp Update -
- SourceForge and Subversion -
- Patch for "props" lexer -
- Trouble with Patch 2.5.8-8 on Cygwin -
- Opal lexer for Scintilla -