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uriparser 0.8.5 released + moved to GitHub

Hi! After moving uriparser from SourceForge to GitHub and re-creating its website from scratch earlier this year, today uriparser 0.8.5 has been released and is available for download. Quoting from the change log, the changes are as follows:

2018-02-07 -- 0.8.5

  * Changed: The uriparser project has moved from SourceForge to GitHub:
      Code + issue tracker:
      New website:
      Please update any links of yours, accordingly. Thank you!
  * Fixed: Memleak in out-of-memory clean-up code
      of URI normalization, related to bug #28.
      Thanks to Chris Hills for the report!
  * Fixed: Fix compilation of uriparse(1) on FreeBSD
      Thanks to Ed Schouten for the patch!
  * Fixed: Fix C90 compilation errors
      Thanks to Joel Cunningham for the patches!
  * Fixed: Space requirements documented for uriWindowsFilenameToUriStringA
      given URI "file://server1/file1.txt" ( bug #31)
      Thanks to threedyd for the report!
  * Fixed: Compiler warnings
      Thanks to Joel Cunningham for the patches!
  * Fixed: Stop exporting internal function RemoveBaseUriImpl
      Thanks to Joel Cunningham for the report!
  * Fixed: API documentation front page no longer empty with Doxygen 1.8.13
  * Fixed: "make -C doc install" fixed for lack of .map files
  * Improved: Communicate that absolutePath is always URI_FALSE for URIs
      with a host in uriparse CLI tool output and Uri.h header
      (GitHub #2, #30)
  * Soname: 1:21:0

It would be cool if you could update any uriparser you have power to update and report any issues you run into. Thanks a bunch!



How to disable MySQL binary logging

I "know someone" who took way to long to find an answer to the question how to disable binary logging with MySQL so that it would no longer fills up all disk space putting a certain instance of WordPress offline every now and then. I find this solution rather unexpected: Putting


into /etc/mysql/my.cnf is a weird mix of ini-file syntax [mysqld] with non-ini file syntax skip-log-bin — without any "= value" assignment. To be sure that binary logging is turned off after a restart of the service, here's a way to check:

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin';
| Variable_name | Value |
| log_bin       | OFF   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Finally! If this post turns wrong in the future, it did work for MySQL 5.6.39.

Expat 2.2.5 released

Expat 2.2.5 has recently been released. It fixes miscellaneous bugs. For more details, please check the changelog. If you maintain Expat packaging or a bundled version of Expat somewhere, please update to 2.2.5. Thanks! Sebastian Pipping

Expat 2.2.4 released

Expat 2.2.4 has recently been released. It features one major bugfix regarding files encoded as UTF-8, and improvements to the build system. If you are using a more ancient version of Visual Studio like 2012, please check the post-2.2.4 commits in Git for related fixes to compilation. Also, founding of Rhodri's work on Expat by the Core Infrastructure Initiative is coming to an end. If you can fund additional developers for work on Expat — including smooth integration of by-default protection against billion laughs denial-of-service attacks — please get in touch.

Sebastian Pipping