On safe-mail.net free, anonymous e-mail
Since lavabit.com went down, I have been looking for a substitute: a mail provider with
- anonymous set-up process
- IMAP support
- SSL support
- free of cost
hushmail.com reserves IMAP access to paying
customers. With safe-mail.net it is the other
way around: SMTP access is reserved to paying customers, IMAP is not. So it is
a good fit for receiving notifications from a website that you would rather
not use your _first_ @ _family_.org
style address with. While
safe-mail.net docs
mention www.safe-mail.net
for SMTP, IMAP, POP consistently.
With Thunderbird you get no helpful error, but a raw IMAP test login helps:
# openssl s_client -connect www.safe-mail.net:993 CONNECTED(00000003) [..] * OK IMAP4 on tapuz.safe-mail.net at ??? ??? ?? ??:??:?? 2013 foo LOGIN ???????@Safe-mail.net ???????????? foo NO LOGIN failed. (Please change incoming and outgoing server from www.Safe-mail.net to tamar.Safe-mail.net) DONE
So tamar.safe-mail.net it is. Okay...