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MediterraneanNight GTK+ theme quick-hack Debian package


There is a nice GTK+ 2.x/3.x theme called MediterraneanLight (part of the MediterraneanNight Series) that I have started using a while ago. Since there is no official Debian package and most of the files end up in /usr/share/themes/ as-is, I decided to make a quick-hack Debian package myself so that I could cleanly un-install it any time later. This blog post documents the steps needed, applicable to any just-copy-files sort of Debian package. The process is made of three steps:

  1. Fetch files
  2. Add simple Makefile
  3. Start build process

In detail:

1. Fetch files

mkdir mediterranean-night-2.03
cd mediterranean-night-2.03
tar xf ../MediterraneanNight-2.03.tar.gz

2. Add simple Makefile

DESTDIR ?= debian/mediterranean-night
PREFIX ?= /usr

.PHONY: install
    mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)"/share/themes/
    cp -R Mediterranean* "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)"/share/themes/

3. Build the package

dh_make --native --indep --yes
debuild -us -uc

The result can be found at ../mediterranean-night_2.03_all.deb. If you know a cleaner way (with as little effort or less), please comment below. Thanks!